Site details

Site properties

Short nameMAG
Update frequency How often should indexing and category extraction be performed00:05:00
Process As RSS?false
Index Raw Content?false
Content ExpiryNever expires

URL filters

No URL filters - all parts of this site will be indexed.

Domain filters

No Domain Filters. Only pages from the same domain as the starting URL will be included.

Content extractors

Choose which methods to use to extract content from a page
No content extractors - the whole page will be used as content.

URL Parameters

These are values passed to the server through a page's address. Searchbox will ignore pages distinguished by URL parameters unless they are specified here.
There are no URL parameters

Spider starting points

Searchbox will start spidering the site at these points eg:, or even
No starting points specified.

Site-category extraction methods

The site's taxonomy can be derived from its URLs or its metatags
Not looking for site categories
Categories are not being extracted from this site. To choose a category extraction technique click the edit button above.

Site category to taxonomy mappings

Setup Category Mappings

Subscription model

No Subscription model is currently defined

Title filters

Allows you to extract the title from certain pages
eg. <meta name="keywords"».*</meta»
No Title filters - default title extraction will be applied.

Ignorable pages filters

Specify whether a given page is to be ignored, eg. a 404 page that does not actually return the 404 code
eg. textonly
No Ignorable Page filters - all parts of this site will be indexed.

Address filters

eg. textonly
No Address filters - all parts of the link URL will be used.

Change filters

Change Filters allow you to specifies URLs that do not trigger alert hits
No Change filters - no URLs will be prevented from triggering alerts.