Watford Borough Council

Watford Borough Council

Children on rope swing

Half term programme at adventure playgrounds

Harebreaks and Harwoods Adventure Playgrounds are running a series of FREE activities over the half term holidays for children and young people aged between 5 and 15 years old.

Mayor Thornhill and Silverlink County Route Director Mark Steward

Mayor opens new cycle storage area at Watford Junction

The 60 space cycle park, funded by Watford Borough Council and the Community Rail Partnership nearly doubles the number of spaces available to cyclists currently.

stop fraud

Two fraudsters facing long jail terms after admitting to one of Britain's biggest benefit fraud

Anti-fraud officers from Watford Borough Council worked with the Department of Works and Pensions (DWP), who captured the fraudsters, after a nationwide five month surveillance operation.

Watford Health Campus design

Have your say on West Herts £1billion regeneration plans

Watford residents have the opportunity to give their views on one of the most ambitious and exciting regeneration plans for West Herts; the proposed £1billion Watford Health Campus.

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